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Dolphin is here to support during these challenging times

All of us at Dolphin hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during these challenging times.  It is during this historical outbreak that Dolphin is here to help and is reaching out to the community to offer support. Please email us at if we can help you with your software or your business.

Uncertain times can also provide the opportunity to reflect on our long-term business and personal goals. As many of you likely have chosen to work from home, workload may have increased or decreased and focus may be on business strategies. You may also be finding it important to streamline internal systems or make changes in efficiencies for business processes and administration.

During the past 18 years, particularly 2008, Dolphin has assisted private lenders with MIC Manager as a tool to assist with adjustments in the economy and business. MIC Manager has been implemented and enhanced to assist private lenders with economic and industry change with new features for compliance, deferring payments, arrears and growth reports as well as many new functions to manage changing economic challenges and opportunities.

Dolphin is now working even closer with our MIC Manager clients to ensure tools and processes are in place to manage new business challenges. Dolphin has always said, "Software is of value in good as well as in difficult times." Please contact or directly call 604-220-0605 for more information.   

We do wish that you and your family and business are doing well during these days and months ahead. Dolphin, again, is offering any assistance and please let us know if we can do anything to help with your business.

Stay safe out there and we look forward to connecting soon.

The Team at Dolphin

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Dolphin Enterprises Ltd., 609 - 850 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1E1, Canada


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